Thursday, December 10, 2009

8th Day of Christmas...

Ok.. so it's the tenth.. and I've massively fallen behind on this 25 days of Christmas. But I do have the best of intentions so hang in there with me. I'll quickly add the last three days. We've had a lot going on and some sorta frustrating moments. But God is good and I'm sure someone needed my things more than I did.

On Tuesday (which is where I stopped blogging momentarily) we went to our bible study. Ava got the most adorable little manger kit to put together and each day, every time you do something kind, as an act of Jesus here on earth for others you add a piece of hay. It is a secret kind of thing. I had read about this where you can even have each member of the family draw a name for the week and you do these kind acts secretly, but you add your hay each time you do. It's symbolic of preparing a place for Jesus and preparing our hearts to welcome Him as we think and act as He would. I loved the idea and was so glad that we had someone put a kit together for us.

So we ran to the mall (which did I mention I really loathe doing) to get my son a coat. It has been in the 30's around here. For Southern Calif. we just don't know what to do with that and his coat from last year no longer fits. SO I did what I normally don't do, I shopped at the mall and found what I needed at the gap..which means I spent more than what I usually like to spend. But it was about getting it done that day. I got the coat, a dress shirt for his Christmas show and Christmas eve church, and a gift (a clone wars shirt that he would have loved).

Leaving the mall, my husband was picking up my son and I said lets meet at home depot and get our tree.. so we did. Then we ran to the post office to drop off my gazillion Christmas cards. My son kept asking, when is the Christmas card chapter going to be done. Everything is in terms of 'chapter books' to him these days. I was glad to get them in the mail and on their way.

Then we got home with the tree and very excited kids to put it up and do some decorating. In the midst of it all I forgot about the bag with the jacket, so in the morning when I went to get it, I couldn't find it. No idea whether it was at Home Depot, the post office, or my own driveway. But at some point my car must not have locked and someone grabbed the bag.

I hope that they'll use the nativity kit and perhaps the directions will convict their hearts. I also figure I guess someone needed that coat and shirts pretty badly.

Anyway.. so that was our 8th day of Christmas..
OH and for the pictures of picking out the tree. THe kids were beyond excited. I lobbied for Home Depot this year so we could afford a Noble Fir. I just love the way they look so much more, but at the lots they're so much more expensive.

Audrey decided to give the tree a hug so everyone else followed suit. I think they picked a good one!

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