I love watching the excitement children (and even adults) have in getting dressed up as different characters for Halloween. This year my kids (well I should say Jackson and Ava) have been obsessed with the characters from Narnia. Last spring Jackson asked if we could read the narnia series. Did I already write about this? I forget if I did. Well, in case I didn't I'll elaborate here. So every night, or most every night we'd read a chapter. We finished the seventh and final book in the series just before school started.
It was something we all looked forward to reading each night. I especially got into the stories. It's so much fun when your kids are old enough to enjoy chapter books. And since Jackson is into them now and Ava is so patient she'll listen right along. It also made me realize why shouldn't we expose children to chapter books even if they're young. They'll color or play with legos on the floor while they listen. It has been a really nice bonding time for all of us and something we carry through our days when we talk about what is happening or something comes up that they can relate the story to.
I don't have time to go into it tonight in this post, but I really admire Charlotte Mason and her style of teaching children. I strive to incorporate her way of teaching in the things we do at home. Anyway, the whole reason I brought this up is to explain that Jackson was Prince Caspian and Ava was Lucy for Hallowen this year. I initially thought I'd make Audrey Aslan, but never got around to getting the lion costume. Instead she made good use of the dress up tulip fairy costume we already had. I hope everyone a had a goodnight and all your little ones are tucked sweetly asleep.
Oh, I should also mention last year I learned about the pumpkin fairy. Not sure why I had never heard of her before. But what you do is you let your kids pick a little bit of candy out, but then the rest they leave out for the pumpkin fairy. She takes the candy (to I don't know where..that doesn't really seem to matter) and in return the children are each left a present. They're so excited to see what she brings. I'm so excited to not have candy around the house forever and ever. It's a win, win!